† Student author; †† AHIL student author; § Postdoc author; bold: AHIL and/or ALC members


66. Zhou, T.†, Tarduno, J.A., Cottrell, R.D., Neal, C.R., Nimmo, F., Blackman, E.G., Ibañez-Mejia, M. (2024) A lunar core dynamo limited to the Moon’s first 140 million years. Communications Earth & Environment 5, Article number: 456.

65. Houchin, S.K.†, Tissot, F.L.H., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Newville, M., Lanzirotti, A., Pavia, F., Rossman, G. (2024) Uranium Oxidation States in Zircon and Other Accessory Phases. In review in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

64. Sandoval, J.†, Perez-Consuegra, N.§, Mora, A., Horton, B., Parra, M., Beltrán-Triviño, A., Gomez, R., Ibañez-Mejia, M., and Valencia, V. (2024) Discrimination of tectonic provinces using zircon U-Pb ages from bedrock and detrital samples in the northern Andes. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America.

63. Zhou, T.†, Ibañez-Mejia, M., Bono, R.K., Cottrell, R.D., Bleeker, W., Kodama, K.P., Huang, W., Blackman, E.G., Nimmo, F., Smirnov, A.V., Tarduno, J.A. (2024) The magnetization and age of Ontario syenites: Further evidence for an early Cambrian renewal of the geodynamo. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 639, 118758. pdf

62. Moreno-Gomes, J.P.†, Leal, A.B., Ibañez-Mejia, M. (2024) Geochronology and geochemistry of the Camacan and itaju do Colônia mafic dykes swarms, Eastern Brazil: Insights into their mantle source and geodynamic implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 140, 104903. pdf

61. Huang, W.§, Tarduno, J.A., Zhou, T., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Dal Olmo Barbosa, L., Koester, E., Blackman, E.G., Smirnov, A.V., Ahrendt, G., Cottrell, R.D., Kodama, K.D., Bono, R.K., Nimmo, F., Watkeys, M.K. (2024) Near-collapse of the geomagnetic field may have contributed to atmospheric oxygenation and animal radiation in the Ediacaran Period. Communications Earth & Environment 5, Article number: 207 . pdf

60. Donaghy, E.E., Eddy, M.P., Moreno, F.§, Ibañez-Mejia, M. (2024). Minimizing the effects of Pb-loss in detrital and igneous U-Pb zircon geochronology by CA-LA-ICP-MS. ‘Highlight’ paper in Geochronology 6(1), 89-106. DOI: 10.5194/gchron-6-89-2024. pdf

59. Zieman, L.††, Ibañez-Mejia, M., Tissot, F.L.H., Tompkins, H.G.D.††, Pardo, N., Bloch, E. (2024) Zirconium stable isotope fractionation during intra-crustal magmatic differentiation in an active continental arc. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. pdf

58. Huang, L.†, Tissot, F.L.H., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Forsch, K.O., Arendt, C., Choy, C.A., Aarons, S.M. (2024) High-precision zirconium isotope analysis of Pacific seawater reveals large mass-dependent fractionations in the ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. pdf


57. Hyung, E.§, Ibañez-Mejia, M., Rojas-Agramonte, Y. (2023) 142Nd/144Nd, and 3He/4He isotope decoupling in the Gorgona lavas and the survival of primordial tracers of mantle heterogeneity. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 622, 118409. pdf

56. Tissot, F.L.H., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Rabb, S.A., Kraft, R.A., Vocke, R.D., Fehr, M.A., Schönbächler, M., Tang, H., and Young, E.D. (2023) A community-led calibration of the Zr isotope Reference Materials: NIST RM 8299 and SRM 3169. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. pdf

55. Tarduno, J.A., Cottrell, R.D., Bono, R.K., Rayner, N., Davis, W.J., Zhou, T., Nimmo, F., Hofmann, A., Jodder, J., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Watkeys, M.K., Smirnov, A.V., Mitra, G. (2023) Hadean to Paleoarchean stagnant lid tectonics recorded by the paleomagnetism of single zircons of South Africa and Australia. Nature 618, 531–536. pdf

54. Kirkpatrick, H.M.†, Harrison, T.M., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Tissot, F.L.H., MacLennan, S.A.§, Bell, E.A. (2023). Temperature and co-crystallization effects on Zr isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. pdf

53. Zieman, L.††, Ibañez-Mejia, M., Rooney, A., Bloch, E.M., Pardo, N., Schoene, B., Szymanowski, D. (2023) To sink, or not to sink: the thermal and density structure of the modern northern Andean arc constrained by xenolith petrology. Geology, pdf

52. Tompkins, H.G.D.††, Ibañez-Mejia, M., Tissot, F.L.H., Bloch, E., Wang, Y.§, Trail, D., (2023) Zircon growth experiments reveal limited equilibrium Zr isotope fractionation in magmas. Geochemical Perspective Letters 25, 25-29, pdf

51. Mora-Rojas, L., Cardenas, A., Jaramillo, C., Silvestro, D., Bayona, G., Zapata, S., Moreno, F. §, Silva, C., Moreno-Bernal, J.W., Jaramillo, J.S., Valencia, V., Ibañez-Mejia, M. (2023) Stratigraphy of a middle Miocene neotropical Lagerstätte (La Venta Site, Colombia). Geodiversitas, 45(6), 197-221. pdf

50. Osman, M.S.M., Azer, M.K., Asimow, P.D., Price, J.B., Ibañez-Mejia, M. (2023) Mineralogy, geochronology, and geochemistry of the calc-alkaline Um Takha white granite pluton, south Sinai, Egypt. Lithos 440-441, 107021, pdf


49. Zhou, T.†, Tarduno, J.A., Nimmo, F., Cottrell, R.D., Bono, R.K., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Huang, W., Hamilton, M., Kodama, K., Smirnov, A.V., Crummins, B., Padgett, F. (2022). Early Cambrian renewal of the geodynamo and the origin of inner core structure. Nature Communications 13 (1), 1-7. pdf

48. Moyano-Nieto, I.E.†, Prieto, G.A., Ibañez-Mejia, M. (2022) Tectonic domains in the NW Amazonian Craton from geophysical and geological data. Precambrian Research, 377, 106735. pdf

47. Bloch, E. M., Jollands, M. C., Tollan, P., Plane, F., Bouvier, A-S., Hervig, R., Berry, A., Newville, M., Zaubitzer, C., Escrig, S., Müntener, O., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Alleon, J., Meibom, A., Baumgartner, L. P., Marin-Carbonne, J. (2022) Diffusion anisotropy of Ti in zircon and implications for Ti-in-zircon thermometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 578, 117317. pdf


46. Tissot, F., & Ibañez-Mejia, M. (2021). Unlocking the Single-Crystal Record of Heavy Stable Isotopes. Elements, 17(6), 389–394. pdf

45. Ibañez-Mejia, M., & Tissot, F. (2021). Reading the isotopic code of heavy elements. Elements, 17(6), 379–382. pdf

44. Tarduno, J.A., Cottrell, R.D., Lawrence, K., Bono, R.K., Huang, W., Johnson, C.L., Blackman, E.G., Smirnov, A.V., Nakajima, M., Neal, C.R., Zhou, T., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Oda, H., Crummins, B. (2021) Absence of a long-lived lunar paleomagnetosphere. Science Advances 7 (32), eabi7647. pdf

43. Amaya López, C.†, C., Weber S., M., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Cuadros, F. A., Restrepo A., J. J., Botelho, N. F., Maya S., M., Pérez P., O. M., & Ramírez C., C. (2021). San José de Guaviare Syenite, Colombia: Repeated Ediacaran intrusions in the northwestern Amazonian Craton. Boletín Geológico, 48(1), 49-79. 1425/bol.geol.48.1.2021.503. pdf

42. Klaver, M., MacLennan, S.A., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Tissot, F.L.H., Vroon, P.Z., Millet, M-A. (2021) Reliability of detrital marine sediments as proxy for continental crust composition: the effects of hydrodynamic sorting on Ti and Zr isotope systematics. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. pdf

41. Méheut, M., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Tissot, F.L.H. (2021) Drivers of zirconium isotope fractionation in Zr-bearing phases and melts: The roles of vibrational, nuclear field shift and diffusive effects. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 292, 217–234. pdf


40. Amaya López, C.†, Restrepo Álvarez, J. J., Weber Scharff, M., Cuadros Jiménez, F. A., Botelho, N. F., Ibañez-Mejía, M., Maya Sánchez, M., Pérez Parra, O. M., & Ramírez Cárdenas, C. (2020). The Guaviare Complex: new evidence of Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.3 Ga) crust in the Colombian Amazonian Craton. Boletín Geológico, (47), 5-34. pdf

39. Basu, A., Chakrabarty, P., Szymanowski, D., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Schoene, B., Ghosh, N., Georg, B., (2020) Widespread silicic and alkaline magmatism synchronous with the Deccan Traps flood basalts, India. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 552, 116616. pdf

38. Martínez, C. †, Jaramillo, C., Correa-Metrío, A., Crepet, W., Moreno, E., Aliaga, A., Moreno, F., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Bush, M. (2020) Neogene climate, vegetation, and elevation history of the Central Andean Plateau. Science Advances  6 (35), eaaz4724. pdf

37. Bloch, E. M., Jollands, M. C., Devoir, A., Bouvier, A-S., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Baumgartner, L. (2020) Multispecies diffusion of yttrium, rare earth elements and hafnium in garnet. Journal of Petrology, 61 (7), 1–29. pdf

36. Tompkins, H.G.D. ††, Zieman L.J. ††, Ibañez-Mejia, M., Tissot, F.L.H. (2020) Zirconium stable isotope analysis of zircon by MC-ICP-MS: Methods and application to evaluating intra-crystalline zonation in a zircon megacryst. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 35, 1167–1186. pdf

35. Ibañez-Mejia, M., Restrepo, J.J., Garcia-Casco, A. (2020) Tectonic juxtaposition of Triassic and Cretaceous meta-(ultra)mafic complexes in the Central Cordillera of Colombia (Medellin area) revealed by zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes. Invited chapter to the book “Geocronologia e Evolução Tectônica do Continente Sul-Americano: a contribuição de Umberto Giuseppe Cordani (ENG: Geochronology and Tectonic Evolution of the South American Continent: honoring the contributions of Prof. Umberto G. Cordani)”, Eds. Bartorelli, A. Teixeira, W., de Brito Neves, B.B., pp 418 - 443. pdf

34. Ibañez-Mejia, M., (2020) The Putumayo Orogen of Amazonia: A synthesis. In: Gómez, J. & Mateus–Zabala, D. (editors), The Geology of Colombia, Volume 1 Proterozoic – Paleozoic, p. 101–131. pdf

33. Ibañez-Mejia, M., & Cordani, U.G. 2020. Zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf–Nd–O isotope geochemistry of the Paleo– to Mesoproterozoic basement in the westernmost Guiana Shield. In: Gómez, J. & Mateus–Zabala, D. (editors), The Geology of Colombia, Volume 1 Proterozoic – Paleozoic, p. 65–90. pdf

32. Urueña–Suárez, C.L., Peña–Urueña, M.L., Muñoz–Rocha, J.A., Rayo–Rocha, L.P., Villamizar–Escalante, N., Amaya–Ferreira, S., Ibañez–Mejia, M. & Bernet, M. 2020. Zircon U–Pb and fission–track dating applied to resolving sediment provenance in modern rivers draining the Eastern and Central Cordilleras, Colombia. In: Gómez, J. & Mateus–Zabala, D. (editors), The Geology of Colombia, Volume 3 Paleogene – Neogene, p. 469–490. pdf

31. Mora–Bohórquez, J.A., Oncken, O., Le Breton, E., Ibañez–Mejia, M., Veloza, G., Mora, A., Vélez, V. & De Freitas, M. 2020. Formation and evolution of the Lower Magdalena Valley Basin and San Jacinto fold belt of northwestern Colombia: Insights from Upper Cretaceous to recent tectono–stratigraphy. In: Gómez, J. & Mateus–Zabala, D. (editors), The Geology of Colombia, Volume 3 Paleogene – Neogene, p. 21–66. pdf


30. Ibañez-Mejia, M., Tissot, F.L.H. (2019) Extreme Zr stable isotope fractionation during magmatic fractional crystallization. Science Advances, 5 (12), eaax8648. pdf

29. Tissot, F., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Boehnke, P., Dauphas, N., McGee, D., Grove, T., Harrison, T.M. (2019) 238U/235U measurements in single-zircon crystals: implications for the Hadean environment, magmatic differentiation and geochronology. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.  pdf

28. Mukherjee, S.†, Dey, A.†, Sanyal, S., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Sengupta, P. (2019) Geochemistry and U-Pb-Lu-Hf isotopes of zircon from Chotanagpur Granite Gneissic Complex (CGGC) granitoids: Implications for a Late Palaeoproterozoic continental arc. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. pdf

27. Dey, A.†, Karmakar, S., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Mukherjee, S. , Sanyal, S., Sengupta, P. (2019) Petrology and geochronology of a suite of pelitic granulites from parts of the Chotanagpur Granite Gneiss Complex, eastern India: Evidence for Stenian-Tonian reworking of a late Paleoproterozoic crust. Geological Journal. pdf


26. Jaramillo, S.†, Trouw, R. A. J., Duffles, P., da Costa, R. V., Ibañez-Mejia, M., & Marimon, R. S. (2018). Structural analysis combined with new geothermobarometric and geochronological results of the Além Paraíba shear zone, between Três Rios and Bananal, Ribeira Orogen, SE Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 90, 118–136. doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2018.11.018. pdf

25. Eddy, M. P., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Burgess, S. D., Coble, M. A., Cordani, U. G., DesOrmeau, J., Gehrels, G.E., Li, X., MacLennan, S., Pecha, M., Sato, K., Schoene, B., Valencia, V.A., Vervoort, J.D., Wang, T. (2018). GHR1 Zircon - A New Eocene Natural Reference Material for Microbeam U-Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotopic Analysis of Zircon. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 458, 37–20. doi:10.1111/ggr.12246. pdf

24. Ibañez-Mejia, M., Pullen, A. Pepper, M., Ghoshal, G., Ibanez-Mejia, J.C.§ (2018) Use and abuse of detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology – A case from the Río Orinoco delta, eastern Venezuela. Geology. doi:10.1130/G45596.1. pdf

23. Pullen, A., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Gehrels, G. E., Giesler, D., & Pecha, M. (2018). Optimization of a Laser Ablation-Single Collector-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (Thermo Element2) for Accurate, Precise, and Efficient Zircon U-Th-Pb Geochronology. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 332(1-2), 19. pdf

22. Ibañez-Mejia, M., Bloch, E. M., & Vervoort, J. D. (2018). Timescales of collisional metamorphism from Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf and U-Pb thermochronology: A case from the Proterozoic Putumayo Orogen of Amazonia. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 235, 103–126. pdf

21. Mukherjee, S.†, Dey, A.†, Ibañez-Mejia, M., Sanyal, S., Sengupta, P. (2018). Geochemistry, U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotope systematics of a Suite of A-Type Granitoids from the Chotanagpur Granite Gneissic Complex (CGGC): Implications for Mesoproterozoic Crustal Extension in the East Indian Shield. Precambrian Research 305, pp. 40-63, doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2017.11.018. pdf


20. Mora-Bohorquez, J.A., Oncken, O., Le Breton, E., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Faccena, C., de Freitas, M., Veloza, G., Vélez, V., Mesa, A. (2017). Linking Late Cretaceous to Eocene tectono-stratigraphy of the San Jacinto fold belt of NW Colombia with Caribbean plateau collision and flat subduction. Tectonics 36 (11), pp. 2599-2629, doi: 10.1002/2017TC004612

19. Bloch, E., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Murray, K., Vervoort, J., Müntener, O. (2017) Recent crustal foundering in the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andean arc: Petrological insights from the roots of a modern subduction zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 476, pp. 47-58, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.07.041. pdf

18. Harris E.B.†, Strömberg, C.A.E., Sheldon, N.D., Smith, S.Y., Ibañez-Mejia, M., (2017). Revised chronostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the early-middle Miocene Railroad Canyon Section of central-eastern Idaho, USA. Geological Society of America Bulletin, B31655.1. pdf

17. Eddy, M.P.†, Jagoutz, O., Ibañez-Mejia, M. (2017). Timing of initial seafloor spreading in the Newfoundland-Iberia rift. Geology, G38766.1. pdf

16. Krause, J.M., Clyde, W.C., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Schmitz, M.D., Barnum, T., Bellosi, E.S., Wilf, P. (2017). New age constraints for early Paleogene strata of central Patagonia, Argentina: implications for the timing of South America Land Mammal Ages. Geological Society of America Bulletin, B31561.1. pdf

15. Mukherjee, S.†, Dey, A.†, Sanyal, S., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Dutta, U., Sengupta, P. (2017). Petrology and U-Pb geochronology of zircon in a suite of charnokitic gneisses from parts of the Chotanagpur Granite-Gneiss Complex (CGGC): Evidence for reworking of a Mesoproterozoic basement during the formation of the Rodinia Supercontinent. Journal of the Geological Society of London. pdf

14. Mora-Bohorquez, J.A., Ibañez-Mejia, M., de Freitas, M., Oncken, O., Vélez, V., Mesa, A., Serna, L. (2017). Structure and Age of the Lower Magdalena Valley Basin Basement, Northern Colombia: New Reflection-Seismic and U-Pb-Hf Insights Into the Termination of the Central Andes Against the Caribbean Basin. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 74, pp. 1-26, doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2017.01.001. pdf

13. Dey, A.†, Mukherjee, S.†, Sanyal, S., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Sengupta, P. (2017). Deciphering Sedimentary provenance and timing of sedimentation from a suite of metapelites of the Chotanagpur Granite Gneissic Complex, India: Implications for Proterozoic tectonics in the East-Central part of the Indian Shield, in Mazumder, R. (Ed.): Sediment Provenance – Influences on Compositional Change from Source to Sink, Chapter 16, pp. 453-486, Elsevier. pdf

2016 and older

12. Pepper, M., Gehrels, G.E., Pullen, A., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Kapp, P. (2016). Magmatic History and Crustal Genesis of Western South America: Constraints from U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes of detrital zircons in modern rivers. Geosphere 12(5), 24 p., doi:10.1130/GES01315.1. pdf

11. Ibañez-Mejia, M., Pullen, A., Arenstein, J. Gehrels, G.E., Valley, J.W., Ducea, M.N., Mora, A.R., Pecha, M., Ruiz, J. (2015). Unraveling crustal growth and reworking processes in complex zircons from orogenic lower-crust: The Precambrian Putumayo Orogen of Amazonia. Precambrian Research 267, pp. 285-310. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2015.06.014. pdf

10. Ibañez-Mejia, M., Gehrels, G.E., Ruiz, J., Vervoort, J., Eddy, M.P., Li, C. (2014). Small-volume baddeleyite (ZrO2) U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotope chemistry by LA-ICP-MS: Techniques and applications. Chemical Geology 384, pp. 149-167. doi:  10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.07.011. pdf

9. Pullen, A., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Gehrels, G., Ibanez-Mejia, J.C., Pecha, M. (2014). What happens when n=1000? Creating large-n geochronological datasets with LA-ICP-MS for geologic investigations. Journal of Analytic Atomic Spectrometry 29, pp. 971-980. doi: 10.1039/C4JA00024B. pdf

8. Clyde, W.C., Wilf, P., Iglesias, A., Barnum, T., Bijl, P.K., Bralower, T.J., Comer, E.E., Huber, B.T., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Jicha, B.R., Krause, J.M., Schueth, J.D., Singer, B.S., Slingerland, R.L., Raigemborn, M., Schmitz, M.D., Sluijs, A., Zamaloa, M. (2014). New age constraints for the Salamanca Formation and lower Río Chico Group in the western San Jorge Basin, Patagonia (Argentina); Implications for K/Pg extinction recovery and land mammal age correlations. Geological Society of America Bulletin 126 (3-4), pp. 289-306. doi: 10.1130/B30915.1. pdf

7. Söderlund, U., Ibañez-Mejia, M., El Bahat, A., Ernst, R., Ikenne, M., Soulaimani, A., Youbi, N., Cousens, B., El Janatig, M., Hafid, A. (2013). Reply to Comment on “U-Pb baddeleyite ages and geochemistry of dolerite dykes in the Bas Draa Inlier of the Anti-Atlas of Morocco: newly identified 1380 Ma event in the West African Craton”. Lithos 174, pp. 101-108. pdf

6. Mora, A., Reyes-Harker, A., Rodriguez, G., Tesón, E., Ramírez-Arias, J., Parra, M., Caballero, V., Mora, J., Quintero, I., Valencia, V., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Horton, B., and Stockli, D. (2013) Inversion tectonics under increasing rates of shortening and sedimentation: Cenozoic example from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. In: Thick-Skin-Dominated Orogens: From Initial Inversion to Full Accretion. Nemcok, M., Mora, A., Cosgrove, J.W. (Eds). Geological Society of London Special Publications, v. 377, pp. 411-442. pdf

5. Silva, A., Mora, A., Caballero, V., Rodriguez, G., Ruiz, C., Moreno, N., Parra, M., Ramírez-Arias, J., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Quintero, I. (2013) Basin compartmentalization and drainage evolution during rift inversion: evidence from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. In: Thick-Skin-Dominated Orogens: From Initial Inversion to Full Accretion. Nemcok, M., Mora, A., Cosgrove, J.W. (Eds). Geological Society of London Special Publications, v. 377, pp. 369-409. pdf

4. Tesón, E., Mora, A., Silva, A., Namson, J., Teixell, A., Castellanos, J., Casallas, W., Julivert, M., Taylor, M., Ibañez-Mejia, M., Valencia, V.A. (2013) Relationship of Mesozoic graben development, stress, shortening magnitude, and structural style in the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. In: Thick-Skin-Dominated Orogens: From Initial Inversion to Full Accretion. Nemcok, M., Mora, A., Cosgrove, J.W. (Eds). Geological Society of London Special Publications, v. 377, pp. 257-283. pdf

3. Bayona, G., Cardona, G., Jaramillo, C., Mora, A., Montes, C., Valencia, V., Ayala, C., Montenegro, O., Ibañez-Mejia, M. (2012). Early Paleogene magmatism in the northern Andes: insights on the effects of Oceanic Plateau-continent convergence. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 331-332, pp.97-111. pdf

2. Ibañez-Mejia, M., Ruiz, J., Valencia, V.A., Cardona, A., Gehrels, G., Mora, A. (2011). The Putumayo Orogen of Amazonia and its implications for Rodinia reconstructions: New U-Pb geochronological insights into the Proterozoic tectonic evolution of northwestern South America. Precambrian Research 191 (1-2), pp. 58-77. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2011.09.005. pdf

1. Cardona, A., Chew, D., Valencia, V.A., Bayona, G., Mišković, A., Ibañez-Mejia, M. (2010). Grenvillian remnants in the Northern Andes: Rodinian and Phanerozoic paleo-geographic perspectives. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 (1), pp. 92-104. pdf


1. Ibañez-Mejia, M., (2018) Precambrico: Cuando se formo la Tierra y apareció la vida? In: Jaramillo, C. y Oviedo, L.H. (Eds.). Hace tiempo. Un viaje paleontológico ilustrado por Colombia. Instituto Alexander von Humboldt e Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. 124 p. Open-access download at